
Greetings from Yuki Konagaya, the President of IAMS

 Greetings from Yuki Konagaya, the President of IAMS

Dear Members of IAMS

I have been appointed as the president of IAMS at the 2023 Summer Conference. I myself studied in Mongolia in 1979 and in Inner Mongolia, China in 1987, and since then I have been researching Mongolian nomadic techniques and rituals.


In recent years, I have been collecting oral histories related to the socialist period and have disseminated many materials for researchers from the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan. I would like to continue to work with all of you to improve our research environment.

In consultation with Dr. Zayabataru, the new Secretary General, I would like to enhance the transparency and fairness of this society. We would appreciate your cooperation in this endeavor. Finally, I wish all the members good health and Merry Christmas, Happy New Year.